Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 19, Onboard Update, April 30, 2010

***Life on board***
We had another great classroom phone conference this morning with Mr. John Poole's class. Thank you! What great questions like: "Who smells the worst?", and "How is your food supply holding up?" they really got our brains working. We really enjoy having other people to talk to and it is so nice to know that we are making a difference for you guys back in the US. Keep up your great support!

A small rain squall that washed over us this morning seems to have brought more consistent winds from the ENE today that have been steady at around 8-10knots. We have been able to hold about 6 knots of boat speed directly for our destination. We have high hopes of making the anchorage before sundown tomorrow! Knock on wood.

Other than our excitement at the prospect of soon having firm ground to walk on, ice creme to eat, phones to call our loved ones, and internet to check out what's been going on in the world, life on board has been much the same as the last week or so. Everyone getting plenty of sleep due to the easy motion of the boat. Lots of relaxed time for reading, writing, playing music and watching movies.

We have been extremely lucky on this crossing. It has been downwind the whole way, sometimes with a nice current boost, we have been in contact with plenty of other cruising boats in our vicinity, nothing has broken, no storms to report, no days of heavy rainfall that kept some boat in steady rain for up to 2 days straight, and all the while good food, plenty of sleep and almost daily movies for entertainment. What a life!

Just 152 nautical miles to go. Almost there!

***The Boat***
Our power is down to 60% but with (knock on wood) about 24 hours to go, we hope to hold out a little longer. Although, we WILL have to recharge that power at some point. Perhaps the wind will pick back up and help us out a little.

We checked into the Barefoot net again tonight. They are asking for more people to volunteer to be "net controller" since soon many of the boats that have been checking in and working as net controller, will have arrived in the Marquesas! An interesting problem but I'm sure new boats further down the line will take up the job to keep the net going.

Steady 8-10 knots from the ENE all day. Short lived rain shower this morning. Scattered cloud cover and sunny.

Position (11:00pm):
10 deg 32' S
136 deg 10' W

Alan and the Crew