Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 8, Onboard Update, April 19, 2010

***Life on board***
More of the same here on the open sea. We busied ourselves reading and fooling ourselves into thinking we saw a boat on the horizon only to find it to be a capping wave. We have been now 7 days without seeing another boat or any other humans for that matter. (We saw one boat our first day out). We had a snack of canned fruit today and also the Ginger Snaps which were opened just yesterday are now mysteriously gone (big surprise). For dinner I made a tuna soup macaroni casserole which was pretty good. We also finished up the last of the chili and rice from the night before.

I found this morning the largest flying fish I have yet seen. He was about 8 inches long and I took a picture. We also found another squid (this one bigger) sun-baked onto the windward side deck.

I also furthered out course on my plotting sheet and took today a morning sight, fore-noon sight, noon sight, and after noon sight. Thought the moon is out earlier each day it is hard to shoot a sight of it because it has been very faint. At night the horizon cannot be distinguished for taking sights and I have yet to master the morning and evening twilight sights of stars and planets. Those require some planing and pre-calculation so that you can take the sights quickly before the the horizon disappears in the evening or the stars disappear in the morning. I'll be working on it.

We managed to miss both morning and evening nets today first by sleeping in and then by watching a movie. OOps. We will be sure to check in tomorrow morning.

Nothing new. Good wind, going fast.

Position (11:00pm):
06 deg 05' S
109 deg 44' W

Alan and the Crew