Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 10, Onboard Update, April 21, 2010

***Life on board***
Yesterday I had a hard time connecting over the radio so I'm putting this update up a little late. It's 7:30am and Adam is on watch. Conditions have remained the same all night and yesterday. Yesterday morning it was mostly cloudy and we watched a small rain shower on the radar pass 2 miles south of us on a parallel course but we never got any rain.

Yesterday afternoon the weather cleared up and last night was a very clear night with the moon full and lighting up the clouds like it was daytime.

Will concocted some salmon/tuna cakes that he fried in the frying pan and we sprinkled corn flakes on for dinner. We also had a movie night last night and watched "Austin Powers" (one of them not sure which) down below. The person on watch, had to go up top every few minutes and check on the boat.

Having finished my latest book. I have now taken to a project that I thought of and bought the materials for while in Panama. I bought a bunch of rope and and am in the process of building a homemade hammock.

Checked in with the barefoot net again yesterday. They are talking about moving the times for the net so that the morning one is not so early. For us it is at 4:30am! and we usually miss it.

Nothing new here.

Position (11:00pm):
07 deg 50' S
116 deg 24' W

Alan and the Crew